2050 台灣淨零排碳社會:政策工具與治理
Net Zero Carbon Emission Society in Taiwan: Policy Mixes and Governance
Academia Sinica, Sustainability Science Research Program (2021-2023)

計畫主持人 Director
周桂田 Kuei-Tien Chou
Professor, Institution of National Development, National Taiwan University
Director, Risk Society and Policy Research Center

計畫共同主持人 Co-Director
郭士筠 Shih-Yun Kuo
中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 研究助技師、臺大風險社會與政策研究中心研究員
Assistant Research Specialist, Research Center for Environmental Changes/ Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica
計畫團隊 Project Group

林木興 Mu-Xing M. LIN
Postdoctoral Fellow

王瑞庚 David Walther
Postdoctoral Fellow

王涵 Han Wang
Assistant Researcher

黃偉任 Weu-Jen Huang
Assistant Researcher

施怡君 Yi-Jun Shih
Assistant Researcher

林雲翔 Yun-Hsiang Lin
Project Assistant
Research Summary
One of the key issues obstructing Taiwan’s transformation toward a net-zero carbon society are the governance deficiencies inherent in the society. On the one hand, the government's inefficient implementation of its carbon reduction policy is a primary bottleneck for the transformation. On the other hand, actors deriving benefits from Taiwan’s high-carbon production regime, such as the steel, cement, petrochemical, and transportation industries, have also mobilized politically to resist the transformation. There is however demand for innovative governance to overcome these challenges. This subproject will employ four inter-related approaches to pursue the goals of a net-zero carbon emission society in Taiwan: first, a comprehensive assessment of the governance deficiencies will be conducted; second, governance instruments to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in Taiwan will be reviewed to identify the gaps; third, governance indicators for the establishment of a net-zero carbon emission society will be developed; and fourth, an analysis of the communication practices will be conducted. In addition, this subproject will use the four aforementioned approaches to evaluate four important policy packages: the administration structure package, the market-based package, the regulatory package, and the communication package. Because the communication package is crucial for the policy implementation toward net-zero emissions, we will analyze how communication practices can be enhanced to improve governance toward a net-zero carbon emission society.
學術產出 |
學術產出類型 |
內容 |
期刊論文 |
Chou, K. T., Lin, M. X. & Walther, D. (forthcoming) Deadlock in a Transition to a Net-Zero Socially Robust Knowledge. Environmental Science and Policy. |
期刊論文 |
Walther, D., & Chou, K. T. (2023) Just Transition on air quality governance: a case study of heavy-duty diesel truck protests in Taiwan. Sustainability Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-023-01311-6 |
總計畫:永續社會的轉型治理:臺灣2050 零碳社會的轉型治理分析與實踐
Collective Project: Governance Transition toward a Sustainable Society: An Analysis of the Contextual Challenges of Governance Transition toward Net Zero Carbon Emission by 2050 in Taiwan
子題二:2050 淨零排碳建模與路徑規劃之研究
Subproject 2: The 2050 Net Zero Carbon Emission Modeling and Path Planning
Subproject 3: The Petrochemical Industry and the Plasticene