子題三 Subproject 3



    The Petrochemical Industry and the Plasticene

    Academia Sinica, Sustainability Science Research Program (2021-2023)


    sub3 1

    計畫主持人 Director

    彭保羅 Paul Jobin

    中央研究院社會學研究所 副研究員

    Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica


    計畫團隊 Project Group

    sub3 2

    賀道遠 Erich Hellmer


    Postdoctoral Fellow

    sub3 3

    郭育安 Yu-An Kuo


    Project Assistant

    sub3 4

    殷志偉 Chee Wei Ying


    Project Assistant







    Research Summary

    This subproject focuses on carbon emissions related to the production and consumption of plastics. We look at the interactions between the petrochemical industry, government and civil society on the plastic issue and its relation with the climate emergency. We focus on the different strategies of Taiwanese and foreign petrochemical companies to mitigate carbon emission from plastics, how they interact with the government and civil society of their respective countries, and how they confront with global advocacy campaigns such as Break Free From Plastic and the Plastic Pollution Coalition. Through a content analysis of their public narratives and in-depth interviews, our research will map the frontlines of contention. In the end, we aim to estimate the possible compromises that will result from the confrontation between these different actors.


    總計畫:永續社會的轉型治理:臺灣2050 零碳社會的轉型治理分析與實踐
    Collective Project: Governance Transition toward a Sustainable Society: An Analysis of the Contextual Challenges of Governance Transition toward Net Zero Carbon Emission by 2050 in Taiwan


    子題一:2050 台灣淨零排碳社會:政策工具與治理
    Subproject 1: Net Zero Carbon Emission Society in Taiwan: Policy Mixes and Governance


    子題二:2050 淨零排碳建模與路徑規劃之研究
    Subproject 2: The 2050 Net Zero Carbon Emission Modeling and Path Planning



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    地址:臺北市羅斯福路四段一號 臺灣大學社會科學院(頤賢館)514室 電話:02-33668422
