永續社會的轉型治理:臺灣2050 零碳社會的轉型治理分析與實踐
Governance Transition toward a Sustainable Society: An Analysis of the Contextual Challenges of Governance Transition toward Net Zero Carbon Emission by 2050 in Taiwan
Academia Sinica, Sustainability Science Research Program (2021-2023)
計畫主持人 Project Director

周桂田 Kuei-Tien Chou
Professor, Institution of National Development, National Taiwan University
Director, Risk Society and Policy Research Center

蕭高彥 Carl. K.Y. Shaw
中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心 特聘研究員
Distinguished Research Fellow, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Sinica
Project Summary
On April 22, 2021, President Tsai Ing-wen officially announced a target of net zero emissions by 2050. The announcement signaled Taiwan’s leap from “long-term strategy for reducing emissions” to “moving towards Zero Carbon”. This also means that, in addition to the previous carbon reduction policy instruments based on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, there is a need for determination to overcome obstacles, such as cement, steel, petrochemical and transportation, the so-called “harder-to-abate sectors”. Based on the above, this project attempts to make breakthroughs not only in the field of science and technology, but also to initiate the paradigm shifts in social, political, economic and cultural practices in order to develop effective and practical solutions for significant carbon emission reductions.
子題一:2050 台灣淨零排碳社會:政策工具與治理
Subproject 1: Net Zero Carbon Emission Society in Taiwan: Policy Mixes and Governance
子題二:2050 淨零排碳建模與路徑規劃之研究
Subproject 2: The 2050 Net Zero Carbon Emission Modeling and Path Planning
Subproject 3: The Petrochemical Industry and the Plasticene