
    罕見跨黨派合作 美國多州擬訂區域運輸碳排上限






    Elvert Barnes(CC BY-SA 2.0)
    美國公車上載運的自行車。圖片來源:Elvert Barnes(CC BY-SA 2.0)


    民主黨藉康乃狄克州州長馬洛伊(Dannel Patrick Malloy)說:「由於大約40%的溫室氣體排放來自交通運輸,我們必須加速轉型低碳交通運輸。」

    共和黨藉麻薩諸塞州州長貝克(Charlie Baker)表示:「交通運輸是減少碳排放的關鍵,麻州期待與東北部州針對這個重要的地區性措施展開合作。」


    這些州自2010年以來透過運輸與氣候倡議(TCI)合作。該倡議由華盛頓特區喬治城大學法學院喬治城氣候中心(Georgetown Climate Center)推動。該中心不屬於任何黨派。






    WASHINGTON, DC, January 8, 2019 (ENS)

    All along the U.S. Atlantic coast, nine Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Columbia have decided to jointly develop cleaner transportation systems that reduce congestion, promote walking, bicycling and transit, support innovation and economic growth, improve air quality, and help communities become resilient to extreme weather.

    Chris Hamby(CC BY-SA 2.0)
    圖片來源:Chris Hamby(CC BY-SA 2.0)

    The participating states will design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal to cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-invest program or other pricing mechanism.

    Each state can invest proceeds from the program into low-carbon and more resilient transportation infrastructure.

    The goals of the program include reducing climate-changing emissions, creating economic opportunity, and improving transportation equity for currently underserved and overburdened populations.

    A joint statement outlining the new policy, issued late last month, has been endorsed by Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington, DC.

    These states are headed by both Democratic and Republican governors – making this move truly bipartisan, a rarity in today’s United States.

    Connecticut Governor Dannel Patrick Malloy, a Democrat, said, “With the approximately 40 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions coming from the transportation sector, we must accelerate our transition to a low-carbon transportation future.”

    Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, said, “The transportation sector is key to reducing carbon emissions, and Massachusetts looks forward to working with its partner states across the Northeast on this very important regional initiative.”

    Because they recognize that states and communities across the United States are already experiencing the impacts of climate change, the nine Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states have set a goal of completing the policy design process in one year – by the end of 2019. Afterwards, each jurisdiction will decide whether to adopt and implement the policy.

    Since 2010, these states have collaborated through the Transportation and Climate Initiative, TCI, facilitated by the nonpartisan Georgetown Climate Center, a part of Georgetown Law in Washington, DC.

    Emissions from transportation account for the largest portion of the Atlantic coast region’s carbon pollution. The states see the TCI initiative as a major, market-based opportunity to develop cleaner transportation systems.

    The states said they are motivated by the findings of a report issued in October by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The IPCC found that ambitious reductions are needed within the next decade to avoid dangerous impacts to public health, infrastructure, and the environment.

    Over the past year, dozens of TCI state officials have held regional listening sessions with some 500 stakeholders to discuss low-carbon transportation goals, needs, and policy solutions. Stakeholders in the region have expressed strong interest in the potential for establishing a market-based policy to reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector.

    Public input and other expert policy analyses underscore the potential economic, environmental, and public health benefits of reinvesting the proceeds from such a program into more clean transportation options – public transit, transit-oriented development, zero-emission vehicles, innovative efficiency strategies, and other solutions that move people and goods more efficiently while generating less pollution.

    ※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


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