
    解決里程焦慮 美六大電力公司組隊 建電動車「無縫」公路充電網


    美國六大國營和民營電力公司宣布組成「電動公路聯盟」(Electric Highway Coalition),要讓連接美國南部、中西部、墨西哥灣和中部地區的主要高速公路無縫布滿直流快速充電站,確保電動車駕駛不再受里程焦慮困擾。

    Blue LA是美國加州一家汽車共享企業,按分鐘出租電動汽車。照片來源:Ali Eminov(CC BY-NC 2.0)

    據估計 2030年美國將有1800萬輛電動汽車上路

    這六間公司,包括美國電力公司(American Electric Power, AEP)、杜克能源(Duke Energy)和美國南方電力公司(Southern Co.)都設法在其服務區域內提供電動車快速充電設備,讓州際旅行更加方便。這些充電站將提供高功率的快速充電服務,因為新上市的電動車充電速度越來越快了。


    愛迪生電力學院(Edison Electric Institute)估計,到2030年,美國道路上將有1800萬輛電動汽車。儘管許多駕駛人意識到電動車的好處,像是可以輕鬆便宜在家充電,但也有不少人擔心,充電站不足以沿著公路長途旅行。



    2日,國家氣候顧問麥卡錫(Gina McCarthy)連同國家經濟委員會、環境品質委員會和交通運輸部的高級官員,與電動車充電公司的執行長舉行了線上會議,討論從因應氣候危機到經濟復甦重建的共同優先事項。










    EV Charging Network to Spread Across American Heartland

    WASHINGTON, DC, March 3, 2021 (ENS)

    Six large U.S. utilities have announced a plan to ensure drivers of electric vehicles have access to a seamless network of charging stations connecting major highways in the South, Midwest, Gulf and Central Plains regions of the United States.

    The Electric Highway Coalition – made up of private companies American Electric Power, Dominion Energy, Duke Energy, Entergy Corporation, Southern Co., and the federally-owned-and-operated Tennessee Valley Authority – will enable EV drivers to drop range worries and travel across a broad swath of the country powered by a network of DC fast chargers.

    Each company is taking steps to provide EV fast charging options within their service territories to facilitate interstate travel. Charging stations will provide a high-powered fast charging experience as new EV models released on the market are capable of charging at faster and faster speeds.

    Sites along major highway routes, with easy highway access and amenities for travelers are being considered first for the installation of new charging stations.

    The Edison Electric Institute estimates 18 million electric vehicles will be on U.S. roads by 2030. While many drivers recognize the benefits of driving an EV, such as the ease of low-cost home charging, some are concerned with the availability of charging stations during long road trips.

    In February 2021, the U.S. had almost 100,000 charging outlets for plug-in electric vehicles. With almost 32,000, California is the state with the most electric vehicle charging stations and charging outlets in the United States, with Texas ranked second and Florida ranked third, according to Statista.com.

    Biden Administration Supports Electric Vehicle Charging

    On Tuesday, National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy, alongside senior staff from the National Economic Council, the Council on Environmental Quality, and Department of Transportation, held a virtual meeting with CEOs from electric vehicle charging companies to discuss shared priorities from tackling the climate crisis to supporting the economic recovery to build back better.

    McCarthy underscored President Joe Biden’s commitment to investments that will strengthen domestic supply chains, bolster American manufacturing, create good-paying, union jobs in sectors that support vehicle electrification, and she noted the administration’s goal to build more than 500,000 EV chargers.

    Administration officials and EV charging infrastructure leaders discussed “the importance of accelerating the development and deployment of EV charging technologies and infrastructure to empower American workers and manufacturers to win the 21st century,” the White House said in a statement.

    To “accelerate and scale a national network of EV charging stations” the officials and EV charging infrastructure leaders agreed it is important to encourage collaboration across the government, automotive industry, and other sectors involved in vehicle electrification as the country “aims to lead the world in a clean energy revolution.”

    Electric Highway Coalition Leaders Enthusiastic

    AEP has committed to replacing its 2,300 cars and light-duty trucks with EV models by 2030. Medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles will transition to hybrid or electric alternatives as models become available. The charging infrastructure buildout also will enable AEP employees to use EVs to travel throughout the company’s 11-state service territory.

    AEP also is working with select customers across its service territory to help them understand the benefits of electrifying their own vehicle fleets or business processes.

    In Florida, Duke’s Park and Plug pilot has installed more than 570 EV public charging stations throughout the state. To date, drivers have used the Park and Plug network for over 60,000 charging sessions, displacing more than 90,000 gallons of gasoline.

    In North Carolina, a $25 million pilot program will lead to the installation of 200 public Level 2 and fast charging stations, more stations at multifamily buildings and a school bus electrification pilot.

    The TVA is a unique government agency in that it is structured like a corporation but has the power of the federal government. It is responsible for supplying power to cities and communities along the Tennessee River, covering some 80,000 square miles in the southeast. 

    TVA wants to increase EV adoption in its seven-state service area with a new EV Initiative, which is based on building partnerships with local power companies, state agencies and businesses. TVA is making investments and coordinating partner funding that could bring up to $40 million in programs to support EV adoption over the next five years.


    ※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


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